Your Trusted Career Partner

We build talent pipelines for leading companies across Africa, North America, Europe and Australia.

6,534 job positions filled since 2019

Thousands of high growth professionals around Africa use it

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SkillsHub PRO

Employers around the world trust us to build competent professionals for their business needs.

Join the SkillsHub PRO program and accelerate your career.
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We are trusted by thousands of people

Powering your career with proven and trusted data from thousands of experts globally.



Users indicated they now meet more work experience and qualification requirements for the jobs they want.


Fourth Industrial Revolution

Users have realigned their career goals based on the trends in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.


Work Readiness

Users indicated they now fully understand what is required in different job roles and how to develop their skills to meet these requirements.


Exceeded Expectations

Users indicated that SkillsHub had exceeded their expectations and they are now on track to a high growth career.

Don’t just take our word for it

This is what our participants had to say
SkillsHub enabled me to understand my knowledge and skills gaps as an engineering practitioner.
Ann Torah
Consultant Engineer
It has provided me with insights on what I should work on to further grow my career.
Taiye Olaoye
Software Engineer @ Andela
The app helped me evaluate my skills gaps for my career and how to transition from one level to another.
Joyce Nansubuga
Consultant Trainer
Helped me transition to my new role within the bank.
Rose Chad
Business Analyst @ Ecobank
I can now develop and benchmark my skills to be competitive in my industry not just locally but globally.
Chukwuerika Uzodufa
Oil & Gas Engineer
With SkillsHub I was able to develop myself so that I can be a suitable candidate for the jobs I was targeting.
Diana Bancy
Data Analyst
SkillsHub provided me with insights on career changes I needed to undertake to remain competitive.
George Kiio
Senior Information Security Consultant @ Serianu Limited
I was able to identify the career path I wanted to take and what to do to succeed in it .
Juliet Mafabi
Project Manager @ ANU
Through SkillsHub I was able to understand all the best practices and competencies expected of my job role.
Stephen Akoto
Data Analyst
"We’ve been using Untitled to kick start every new project. I can’t imagine working without it."
Lyle Kauffman
Data Engineer, Catalog
SkillsHub allowed me to make improvements that allowed me to serve my clients better.
Mwajuma Mkwepu
Commercial Lawyer
It allowed me to develop myself to better compete for the few engineering jobs in my country.
Bojor Mulatu
Structural Engineer
I was able to understand the critical tasks, knowledge areas and skills requirements that enabled me to update my CV
Gisele Iradukunda
Administrator @ Law Firm
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